Saturday, October 30, 2010

Football Saturday

I could do without this view out my kitchen window today. What the eff!?

About to head downstairs and make some sausage balls for E & M's Halloween party. The Rachel Berry wig is making one more appearance this year before I stash its hairy, itchy, shedding self in a closet. I look so much better as a light brown/blonde. This experience has made that extremely clear to me.

Then tomorrow to the Arboretum to watch the parade of adorb kiddie costumes. Then starts the countdown to Thanksgiving at mom's new place just outside Austin. Hooray! By then, the renovations should be all done and the furniture delivered. And we'll get to enjoy our first Thanksgiving together in a loooong time.

Her patio looks out over a putting green. Which means it's nice and quiet and beautiful, but also means you get the occasional surprises. Let's hope we don't end up with a golf ball in our cranberry sauce.

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