Saturday, February 14, 2009

Single Awareness

Norts? Really? I think the jury's still out on Liz Lemon's new exclamation of choice. I'm not sure I could drop this one into everyday conversation without getting a weird look. Though I did get two uses of "I want to go to there" in this week. The first in response to a Braum's commercial on the radio, in which they described in great detail the building of a sundae that was on sale, and the other in response to receiving a card in the mail at work advertising the Seattle Cheese Festival. Both in response to food, natch.

As you can see here, I have an "old" TV. So I guess the big analog to digital thing got bumped back. But I'm not sure a little box is going to solve all my problems. Since all the shows are now filming in HD, I'm frequently noticing something akin to watching a "pan-and-scan" movie. As in, faces are being cut off on the edges of the screen, etc. It's really pissing me off, frankly. I mean, really, who can afford these HDTVs right now? Sure some of ya got some money and can get fancy TVs right now, but I am quite happy with my 2002-era TV and I got no plans to upgrade any time soon. So either letter-box my TV shows or stop filming with the assumption that everyone's screen is that wide. Cos mine ain't. Dang.

Yup, just another Single Awareness Day with my FIV-positive kitty cat, blogging, making baked goods (scones), and watching Tropic Thunder. What's that? Yep, that's right. I found out this week that CJ has FIV.

For those that don't know much about it, it's very similar to HIV in that it's an immunodeficiency disease. Most of the cats that get it are either born with it or get it from being bitten or scratched by another cat with FIV. Which is probably how CJ got it, since he spent the first 8 years or so of his life as an indoor-outdoor cat. This was while I was a teenager and during college, when he still lived at home with my mom. We always had indoor-outdoor cats so I didn't think much about it. Since that time I've learned enough about the dangers of letting cats roam outdoors to want all future cats I own to be indoors only, as CJ is now. Not only does it increase their life expectancy, it protects them from things like FIV, cars, and sickos who do mean things to animals. So if you can, keep your kitties indoors.

As for CJ, since he's probably had this for at least 8 years or so, not much is changing. He still seems to be doing well. We're getting his teeth cleaned up, since gum disease is a big risk with FIV positive kitties, and his teeth are pretty atrocious. This might also be part of why he's lost so much weight, so I hope getting his teeth back in shape might help increase his appetite. Keep him in mind this Friday, if you're so inclined. Anaesthesia is always risky with senior cats.

In other news, I'm eagerly awaiting Liz's new strap. Caro of Splityarn made it for me from some fabric I had stashed away. Isn't it cute? She took a photo of it, and it's better than any one I could take, so I'm borrowing it here.

Caro makes lots of cute camera straps and little bags and pouches and such. She does custom orders too and she's great to work with. So if you've been thinking your camera's strap could use some jazzing up, go check out her shop. I know she's planning to update it soon with lots of cute new straps - she does little ones for point-and-shoot cameras too.

I'll have my new strap and Liz in tow when I hit Chicago in t-minus 1.5 weeks. My choice for seeing Chi-town for the first time would not have been February, but this is work related, so it's out of my control. And it's free, so, you know. Also, between the Hudson River incident and Buffalo, I am less than excited to get on a plane these days. The one other time I've set foot in Chicago was when I was changing planes there on the way to New York once. It was the scariest landing ever as the wind was just yanking the plane all over the place. I think we had to do several attempts to get her down. You remember that Nicole? Yikes. Anyway, if you've got Chicago tips to share (favorite places to get some chow, cute but not insanely expensive shops, etc.), please do let me know. I'll be working but I'm hoping to squeeze in some fun-time stuff too.

So, happy Single Awareness Day to all my Single Ladies. And Happy Valentine's Day to you coupled-off folks. I'm off to hit that half-gallon of Blue Bell that was on sale at Kroger today. Rawk.


Elizabeth said...

waaaaah, no Bluebell here.

I went to Chicago in February a few years ago and it wasn't so bad. You must not skip Garrett's popcorn. Get the cheese/caramel mix. It's soooo good. Seriously. I've had it shipped to me it's that good.

Nicole said...

Regarding that flight to Chicago, of course I remember it. I bust out the story of that horror of a flight anytime I'm in a group of people talking about bad flying experiences.

Regarding your tv, since you have cable you do not need to get a converter box. Only those people who watch tv through antennas need the box.