Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cawffee, tea, or...

It just figures - there are things that I took for granted when I lived in New York, which I recognize only now that I'm no longer there. Like being able to visit Fishs Eddy on a regular basis. And of course now that I'm in Austin...

I want these mugs!

Well, technically, that's three mugs and something for your shuguh. Bwah! I love it. There's cawffee and also a creamuh container. The three of them make up the Brooklynese collection. Nice. And the democrats mug. Oh me. I won't admit to being one still (I'm an independent - saves face for the family), but I want it dearly. And the notebook paper one would be an awesome gift for one of my many friends who are teachers. I kinda want to toss some freshly sharpened pencils in there and tie it all up with a big red bow.

These alphabet mugs are sweet - I'm not a huge fan of how the A is styled, but I love the K, which is my mom's initial. I might keep it in mind for her birthday, along with several containers of her favorite (yucky) instant coffee that we could never seem to remember to pick up during her latest visit. She loves her some Taster's Choice. Oops, she reads this blog, I forgot. Oh well, there goes the surprise!

Incidentally, the alphabet collection seems to be on sale right now...

And I haven't got a drop of Jewish blood in me, but I'd totally drink my morning OJ out of these Heroes of the Torah glasses. They're like super heroes! Jewish super heroes. Which reminds me of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. And suddenly they're even cooler.

Not only did I live in the same town as a Fishs Eddy, I used to work down the street from one, and I had friends who worked there who could have gotten me stuff at a discount. D'oh! Unfortunately, this was a time when I had no money to buy stuff. Oh wait, that's still the case...

Felt very productive this weekend - I hung a few pictures on the walls and my yellow paper drum lamp from the ceiling, installed a curtain over the glass door to the balcony in my bedroom (privacy anyone?), and best of all, finally got all the empty boxes out of the living room. Some went under my bed, and the rest to a box recycling center. Hooray for nesting. It was too hot to do much else anyway.

One last goody I've been meaning to share. I love Platon. I think what I love most is how instantly recognizable his photos are - he has a very distinctive style. He's been a regular photographer for two magazines I've worked for now, and he seems like a really lovely and humble guy. Via A Photo Editor, I found this great site with him talking about what he went through to get this award-winning photo of Vladimir Putin.

If you've got a minute, I'd highly recommend giving it a listen. What an amazing story. (Even today, The Beatles unite us all.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you mentioned Jewish superheroes: